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Hey so I finished the game and quite enjoyed it! But I'm still missing 2 more cards, but can't figure out how to get them, is there perhaps a list or any tips?

Send me your save file and I can try and take a look.

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Where can I send it to you?

I'm not really sure, just pick your favorite file sharing website.

Google Drive alrighty, I just had to reupload it since I sent the wrong save before. Let me know if Drive is okey!

I have tried running this game on multiple browsers, and none of the cards show any info about their health/armor/attack/cost/etc, despite the Help section saying they should. This is on 1.3 and 1.3.1, on both the online and downloadable versions.

Do you have a screenshot or something?

(1 edit)

This is all it ever shows: The remaining cost, upcoming cost, and remaining card count.No information on health/armor/attack/cost/etc for the cards themselves, ally or enemy. I only made it as far as I did by trial and error.

in combat it seems they just target the leftmost zombie and when that is dead just leave it at that instead of prioritizing weak cards (which is not clear what that means) and even if they try to avoid overkill it doesn't mean anything since they just stop attacking after taking one out not like what the help section says

Can I get some tactical advice on the Zinnia boss fight? She's beating my ass.

Also, is stun broken or just not meant to work on bosses?

Hi, Graywolf! I find that weaving 2-cost Art Students and the 1-cost Slackers work really well for starting plays. This way, the Art Student gets two turns before being obliterated. Afterwards, weaving Offerings (3) work really well (if you can get them) with Cheerleaders (3) for middle plays. That gets me to playing the high cost cards REALLY fast if the enemy can even last that long.

As for stun not working on bosses, I have locked a boss or two with stun. Zinnia has 1 armor, though, and you have to actually deal damage to apply effects. Lamias or similar that only do 1 damage won't work.

Hi! I love this game! Very fun! I'm also having issues with the lab on my current save. I made a new game, but all cards starting with Chrissie and beyond show up as NaN amount in deck manager and won't move to my deck. On reloading my new save, the cards disappear from the game.

It has been fixed. You will have to start a new save, but feel free to just cheat through to where you were before.

Does not allow saving in joiplay

What is Joiplay?


This is an HTML file. You shouldn't need any sort of emulator.


The Lab is broken methinks, just throws Errors + The Lab ([number NaN]/10)
